Porcelain | High Alumina | Steatite | Cordierite | Mullite | Macor | Zirconia | Ceramic Coating | Silicon Carbide | Titanium Dioxide | ZTA (Zirconia Toughened Alumina)

Mechanical Properties

Grocera ceramics have large, overlapping mechanical properties between families due to the ability to control each product’s properties down to its microscopic grain size.


Flexural strength is the effective strength of a material under a bending load. The test takes into account grain structure and defects in the material, and is typically performed on brittle materials. Evaluating flexural strength reveals a material’s durability as it takes into account both compressive and tensile strengths.


Evaluating hardness properties depends heavily on the test method. Knoop hardness is commonly used for hard, brittle materials. It uses a diamond shaped tool to make a measurable impression on the material with a standardized load.

Thermal Properties

Thermal properties characterize how a material reacts to changes in temperature. Grocera ceramics can be optimized for specific thermal performance by controlling the inherent material properties and structure. 

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity measures how well a material  spreads heat within itself. Cooking pans have high thermal conductivity allowing evenly distributed heat to pass quickly into the food. On the other hand, insulative gloves are used to handle hot objects because their low thermal conductivity prevents heat from transmitting to sensitive hands.


Coefficient of thermal expansion defines how much a material expands based on external temperatures. Most materials swell with the application of heat because the energy causes the atoms to move more rapidly, stretching their bonds. Ceramics generally have a low coefficient due to their strong interatomic bonds.

Electrical Properties

Electrical properties are related to how easily electrical energy passes through a material. A difference of electrical potential energy, measured in volts, pushes these charges from higher to lower potential — similar to how gravity pushes water down a hill. 

Dielectric Strength

Dielectric strength is how much electric potential, or voltage, a material can hold back before breaking down. Eventually, the voltage becomes too much, and the material breaks down to let the energy through.


Volume resistivity measures how well a material restricts the flow of electrical energy, regardless of the application’s geometry. Insulative materials have a very high resistivity, while conductive materials have a low resistivity. While most ceramic compositions are insulators, Grocera ceramics are intentionally engineered to let some charge through. This prevents breakdown or sudden discharge due to having too much built-up voltage.

Grocera,s advanced ceramic products :-

Made from Zirconia

  1. Sleeves, valves and seals
  2. Bushes
  3. Grinding media – Liners
  4. Pulleys and rollers
  5. Dies and nozzles
  6. Crucibles and boats
  7. Rods and tubes
  8. Ceramic components as per customer’s technical specifications

Made from Alumina

  1. Hydrocyclones and liners
  2. Sleeves, plungers, valves and seals
  3. Grinding media- Liners
  4. Pulleys and rollers
  5. Welding aids, protection tubes, nozzles (sand-blasting nozzles, burner nozzles, etc.)
  6. Crucibles and boats
  7. Rods and tubes
  8. Feed through insulators
  9. Breakers, cutters and spacers
  10. Ignitors
  11. Bolts, nuts and washers
  12. Thread guides
  13. Threaded components
  14. Furnace refractory supports and kiln furniture
  15. Specially developed 99.8% DTA/ TGA crucibles, cups (available in any shape/ size to suit customer’s thermal analyzer equipment)
  16. Ceramic components as per customer’s technical specifications

Grocera basalt wear resistant liners

Grocera provides Wear Solutions to reduce cost of wear /abrasion area of machineries. We provides linings of Alumina, Cast Basalt, Chemically Bonded Ceramic Lining, Ceramic Coating, Industrial Coating that enhance the service life of their plant and equipment and much lower maintenance cost. Our products are used all over india in various industrial applications e.g. in bulk minerals, coal and ash handling, power generating, metals handling, power generating, cement producing and processing environments.

Basalt liners application in different industries
Cement Industry Power Sector
Liners Discharge & Suction Liner
Pipelines Liners
Ash Pipe Lines Bends Coal Mill Pulverizer
Coal Mill Pulverizer Pipelines
Ash Pump Impeller Bends/ Elbows
Volute Casings Nozzles
Nozzles Pipes
Nozzles Pipes
Ash Pump Impeller
Volute Casings
Knife Gate Valves
Ceramic Industry Mineral Processing Industr
Liners Liners
Bends/ Elbows
Ash Discharge Pump
Ash Pump Impeller
Volute Casings
Construction Industry Mining Industry
Liners Liners
Boom-Truck Bends Pipelines
Augur Bends/ Elbows
Ash Discharge Pump
Ash Pump Impeller
Volute Casings
Fertilizer Industry
Discharge & Suction Liner
Bends/ Elbow
Ash Discharge Pump
Ash Pump Impeller
Volute Casings
Basalt Alumina
1 Cement Industry
2 Ceramic Industry
3 Construction Industry
4 Fertilizer Industry
5 Fertilizer Industry
6 Mining Industry
7 Paper Pulp Industry
8 Power Sector

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: Mechanical Properties

Grocera ceramics have large, overlapping mechanical properties between families due to the ability to control each product’s properties down to its microscopic grain size.

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Flexural strength is the effective strength of a material under a bending load. The test takes into account grain structure and defects in the material, and is typically performed on brittle materials. Evaluating flexural strength reveals a material’s durability as it takes into account both compressive and tensile strengths.

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Evaluating hardness properties depends heavily on the test method. Knoop hardness is commonly used for hard, brittle materials. It uses a diamond shaped tool to make a measurable impression on the material with a standardized load.

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